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AR11846 and other stuff


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Finally been through all my data from the 20th September. Usual capture and processing (DMK21/PST. ICcapture, AVIstack, Registax5, PSCS5 and then Imerge where images needed to be joined together). 

Managed to see some nice sunspots and proms.

The first image shows the AR11845 a two different positions of the PST tuning ring. So I assume that this is the difference between surface vs atmosphere - but I'd be interested to know if I've got that right or not. The Sunspot is bigger than Earth.

This next one show the whole disc of proms, including a close® up shot of the large prom. 

And lastly the huge prom with some of the solar disc as well. 

Another 20GGb + of data... :)

Hope that you like them.


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