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Hi all, just quick post about guide cameras, I was thinking of getting a QH5Y-II or the QH5YL-II wondering if anyone has a preference for which mite be the better of the 2, ive a limited budget hence choosing one of these, also as its for guiding purposes does it matter wether its mono or colour ? help appreciated. regards john

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I've recently bought the qhy5-II and don't have any probs with it guiding on the finderscope. i'd imagine on a guide scope it would be great. I chose the mono for the greater sensitivity although I've heard the colour is fine also

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The 5L is supposed to be more sensitive than the 5 (comparing mono with mono), I believe. I chose the 5L because I wanted to use it in a finder-guider setup and gambled on the increased sensitivity potentially offering me a better choice of guide stars.


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thanks guys for you replys

this has helped me decide, im gunna go with the 5L as will be for guide cam throught a 50 finder to keep the weight down also as youve said its slightly more sensitive which i think ill need as can get a bit of light pollution not overly aggresive by near heathrow an its like christmas some nites from the glow

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i tried an QH5 at light polluted Athens, and i was not very pleased with the results....

A DSI is very sensitive (even the coloured one), and never left me without a suitable guiding star.

( i use OAG, but i think that the point is the same)

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