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M31 and.....

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.... I'm chuffed with the results.

This is my first attempt at Andromeda and again using the nifty fifty lens on the 450D and Polarie, just how much detail is visible I wouldn't of expected. The dust lanes are visible and M110 is distinguished, M32 less so.

Not an awful lot has been done to these so there ay be room for improvement in processing.

It's 1 hour and 44 minutes worth of two minute exposures at f/4 ISO800.

I can probably stretch the battery of the camera to nearly 3 hours so might try that and see if it improves things.



Also for your consideration are a couple of Persieds captured during the run.



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Thanks guys.

Going to try again but the moon is starting to get up now and I want to see if I can get that Nova tonight.

I might try M31 again on my dodgy 70-300mm and see how that goes.

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It's the wider field type stuff that I would really like to do, I have found setting my mount up for 2-4 min unguided subs simple,and I kinda like simple. The hardest part is getting the rest of my life to synchronise itself with a clear sky.

That's what I like about the Polarie, it's a breeze to set up and depending on focal length my only real limit on exposures is the light pollution.

You can see on that last Perseid image what 2 mins worth of LP is like, I'm not sure how much longer I could use and still get away with it.

Very nice pictures :)

Thank you. :)

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