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What did I see?


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While out Perseids spotting last night I saw a strange sight. Going from west to east (so unconnected with the meteors) I saw 6 or 7 grey shapes in 'formation'. Not bright but quite clear and not starlike. At the time it seemed that they were celestial in origin but thinking about it afterwards the only explanation that I can come up with is a highflying group of birds (ducks?) just catching some light from the ground.

It was a spooky experience at the time as I was all geared up to see meteors and I thought that I had seen something really interesting. But perhaps just birds .......

Anyone else seen anything similar?


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I saw something similar about 22.20 - 22.30 I couldn't quite make it out, just looked like one object, boomerang shape greyish moving very fast west to east completely silent. I shrugged and put it down to birds too. There were no clouds at the time so I couldn't make out if it was low and small or high and very big. If it was the same thing you saw it must have been very big

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yes what I saw was dead straight and fast, I was sat on the doorstep and it came towards me and over the house, I jumped up and tried to see it but it was soon gone. It seemed too fast for a bird but I suppose we ll never know

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The boomerang does sound likes ducks. I once saw ducks fly in front of the full moon in the scope. Despite the vanishingly small transit time they were staggerngly sharp, just like the planes people sometimes catch in front of the sun.


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Yup I've seen this type of thing a few times. I think because your looking at very distant objects your brain just sticks in "distance" mode and so they seem further away than they really are. This just means that they seem much bigger and much faster when in fact it's just geese or ducks. A lot of UFO reports are of "flying v's" and I'm convinced its just this. It can be quite startling though.

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