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Dumbell Nebular


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Hello All,

I spent hours trying different targets last night but that Moon was making life very difficult indeed! I also tried M31 but with my FOV I was practically sat in the thing!! However, not all was lost as I managed to catch M27 just before the clouds rolled in! You can still see lots of Moon glow but for a first sighting of this object I was chuffed to bits...

M27 @ 28 seconds AGC 4

post-28683-0-97015200-1374359875_thumb.j post-28683-0-56602900-1374359871_thumb.j



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Nice colour Karl

This is a spectacular target.


Thanks Paul, yes I've been looking forward to this one and want to try again soon. I did not get chance to experiment with any camera settings as the cloud came in but I'm sure I could squeeze a little more detail. Would be nice to try without the Moon too!

Impressive :)

Thanks Rodger, I was really happy when this pooped up that's for sure :grin:

Cheers guys


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Thanks Carl, hope you had success with M31 and the new reducer. Look forward to seeing the results :smiley:

Kit was all set up, goto spot on sent scope to M31 with reducer and 10mm eyepiece. Great view even with the moon out. Slewed scope to M81 and another great view could easily see it . Things looking good!

So I got the camera wired up and reducer screwed in, scope back to M31 and started to focus but couldnt see anything on screen just grey. Had taken my eye off the sky for a couple of minutes looked up and bang a blanket of cloud had came from nowhere (I think Davy sent it :grin: ) So not a single frame, but got at least some nice visual.

It is true buying new kit is just asking for cloud :grin:

Cheers Carl

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