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The house of Cepheus.


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Often overlooked apart from the Garnet star. This circumpolar house has boundaries right up to Polaris. It follows Cygnus brushing the Milky Way, which was visible by eye in last night's cracking clear conditions.

The open cluster NGC7160 is amusing with two eyes and a hat.

NGC7380 looked interesting with a hint of nebulosity.

NGC7510 at x48 showed a line of 3 stars with a densely packed area between 2 of them.

NGC6939 showed bright chains of stars.

IC1369 is simply very beautiful and worth finding.

Then packing up surprise of the night, the Pleiades in the north east, hurrah !


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Nice report and interesting list, has taken note to check :) while I am still at hunting for the more regulars stage in the Messier list, occasionally I begin to throw in some others as well. I recall the elephant trunk hanging around somewhere in that neighbourhood, I remember it well, not so much because the views it provided, but because of the name. Whoever invents some of the labels to put on some that stuff deserves a prize, though in terms of favourite names I find the cooling tower to be up there with the best :D

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