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Watec SINGLE (processed) frames at max. integration.


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Recently been concentrating on (processed) single frames (no stacking!) with Watec 120N+ at "full sense up" (256 frames / 10s real time). Of personal interest, since all of these were taken *indoors* with full remote control of scope AND camera via 30m cables! One or two "gremlins", but the general principal NOW works. :)

Also discovered the "levels" button on my image processing program (ante-diluvian Macromedia Fireworks 2) - Where have you been all my life! (Should actually read my Massey & Quirk sometimes?) - But far more useful to me than all my past twiddlings with "gamma", "sharpening", (stacking) "wavelets" etc. :p

A few "warts & all" from last month. There is significant COMA to the right of all frames. Although my TS 8" F4 Newt returns a laser collimator beam OK, the whole thing is quite off-axis on a star test. But I sense, fixable? ;)

First, for a change, Albireo (vis mag 3.2 & 5.8, binary sep 35") The field is approx. 30' x 20' -

- Just to see how many stars I could pick up (allowing a few hot pixels, but just above noise):


And a few Messiers... You've already seen better versions of the "Dumbell" and "Ring"? :D











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Hi Macavity

Now's a good time to sort out the remote viewing.

Nice images!

Any chance you could post the in processes frames as well.

I'm impressed with the quality of the black background and wondered is this good processing or does it come out of the camera like that.

Clear skies


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Hi Paul - Yes, I was (modestly) pleased too? Heheh. But the "levels" adjustment is a recent discovery,

so would be happy to share the originals too! And to finish scr... messing about with the hardware? :p

Chris / Macavity

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... one for the future me thinks.

Watec have a new one coming out sometime? FOUR times the sensitivity?

On screen menus? Probably quite expensive? :p

The Watec 120N+ is a nice thing - "My one remaining luxury" <gasp> :D

But it has competition from less (and more) expensive offerings too.

As ever, the idea of a (genuine!) need for "more than one" of the things... ;)

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