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First filters

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I am thinking of adding one or two filters to my impending scope purchase, what would be a good first filter purchase(s) for an 8" DOB ?

This is for general visual observing (i.e. both DSO's and planets)

I will mostly be observing from a city - Edinburgh so I was thinking a light pollution filter would be good but I would appreciate advice from the more experienced observers.



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I would consider a UHC filter. This is a very versatile narrowband filter that removes more light pollution than regular broadband LPR filter. Note that LPR filters are can be useful on galaxies, provided the light pollution is relatively narrowband (low-pressure sodium or mercury light). UHC works best on emission nebulae like planetaries. O-III is also useful, but more specialized.

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I would say a good quality moon filter (seek advice on one that's suitable for your scope, their strength varies). This will be useful also for viewing Jupiter and maybe Saturn, otherwise you will get purple blobs in your vision.

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Ay, Michael's suggestion is good. I used the UHC-S the other night with M 17 and it was rather lovely, saw the nebula extend way beyond just the famous swan. Also works well on planetary nebula etc. Another filter you might want to consider is a light blue one for Jupiter which really shouldn't cost more than a tenner and sometimes help bring out subtle features. Although I don't have one, the Neodymium gets great reviews and appears to be very good in planetary and lunar work. Finally, you 8" shouldn't be without a nicely constructed solar filter which can be set up with relative ease following something like this.

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Thanks for the opinions, I had a look at the Neodymium and it seems to be a good "all rounder" so I may go for that as a starter.

I hadn't thought of a sun filter, seems a pretty obvious choice when there is actually one star close enough to observe as more than a point of light !

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Neodymium is a good LPR filter (wide band). It should help keep the sky darker if your light pollution is mainly narrow band. Many also use it on planets. UHC would be the best second filter, I would say. My UHC filter is a fairly cheap one from APM (same as the Skywatcher one, it seems).



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