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Venus by my seven year old


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Ok so you have to squint or zoom, but my little boy Daniel took these last week while we were on holiday in Majorca. He's dead chuffed with himself so I thought I'd share it with you all. The sun sets earlier in Majorca and I think I'm right in saying you get to see more of Venus. Anyway thanks for looking.



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Been watching Venus from here for the last few nights, though it's too close to the horizon to get a scope on. You may get to see it for slightly longer than in the UK because the Sun sets at a steeper angle, but I don't think it makes that much difference.


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Well I just nipped out for a look and tbh I do agree it doesn't seem too much lower (a little I think?) in the equivalent brightness of sky, if that makes sense. But it does get darker earlier there so you see it earlier of course. Perhaps the San Miguel effect may have skewed my judgment a little too :)

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I have been pondering on this, being on holiday myself at the moment. I don't think when it gets dark makes any difference (I may be wrong), but I think the Sun sets at a steeper angle and darkness falls more quickly (and more fully) as you travel further south. The effects of one may be difficult to determine from another unless some sort of San Miguel correction (or cheap red plonk, in my case :) is applied.

Unfortunately I don't believe there's been any kind of quantitative analysis of the San Miguel effect thus far. I'm sure there's a PhD in it for someone though. Perhaps a potential benefit for those who excel at an astronomy-related degree.


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