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If it were me, I'd get a 32mm Plossl, and not get the cheapest. You don't really need a top notch eyepiece, because a Mak with its slow focal ratio is 'forgiving' with eyepieces.

'Faster' telescopes need better eyepieces if you want a sharp to the edge of field view, but your Mak should be fine with a mid range one.

Your 127 Mak will give 47x mag with a 32mm Plossl, about a 1 degree field, 2 moon diameters.

There are other choices, but that's what I'd do.

Hope that helps, Ed.

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A 30/32mm plossl will also give much the same field as a 25mm BST Skyguider as they have a FoV that is 60 and plossl are 50, the extra magnification from the BST cancels out the extra FoV that it has and they come out the same.

Say this as you could do worse then start collecting a set, or the longer 4, of BST's for use on that scope.

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The Vixen NLP's are a good mid range Plossl choice and are priced very nicely:


Also you can't go wrong with a BST eyepiece from Skies the limit which will give you an extra 10 degrees apparant field of view and they don't cost much more than the Vixen NLP's. I have to say I'm very impressed with my 8mm BST :)



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All the above mentioned ep's are good as i have owned or do own one of them. I do like the bst though, cracking piece of glass for the cost and the extra fov and extra eye relief makes them just that bit better than a standard plossl in my opinion.


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+1 for the BST Explorer "Starguider" they are very good for the money,

I thoroughly enjoy the one I just got. Only had two brief uses of it though, but it was clear straight away. Next will be the 8mm BST, close enough to the 10mm stock sky-watcher achromat when FOV is taken into account to make that one pretty much redundant I hope.

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