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Double star challenges


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So I have a new TAL 1. Better than anything I had as a boy when I first was excited about astronomy.

I am trying double stars. The pole star, Rigel, Castor al doubles...really...just waiting for a clear sky and I am going to give it a go.

M33,M57,M35 all seen for the first time..so exciting.

Comet Holmes was/ is great.....

Mars a bit washed out but coming closer at 22,000 miles per hour.....

Bring it on

Mark (north of Bristol)

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The mag require is dependant on seeing conditions.

I have a rough rule of thumb that seems to work for relatively even pairs (delta M of <3)

Using the 8 inch scope on a good night.

Divide the focal length of the eyepeice by 6 and this will give you a good guide to the closest doubles you can split.

eg. 25mm orthoscopic will allow me to split pairs down to 4.2"

On a night slightly worse than average this figure drops to 5.5.

Hope this helps.



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Well I split the pole star but the companion was very dim, Split y Aries 7.8" Gamma Andromeda 9.8" and Caster JUST at 2.2" using a 9mm lens with a barlow. I cannot split Rigel 9.5" Maybe too bright?

Also found M35, M36, M37 and M38. Very nice...

Tried hard to find Uranus but could not. I really need to use those setting circles.


TAL - 1 110mm f7.

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Well I split the pole star but the companion was very dim, Split y Aries 7.8" Gamma Andromeda 9.8" and Caster JUST at 2.2" using a 9mm lens with a barlow. I cannot split Rigel 9.5" Maybe too bright?

Also found M35, M36, M37 and M38. Very nice...

Tried hard to find Uranus but could not. I really need to use those setting circles.


TAL - 1 110mm f7.

I'm pleased to hear of yet another member enjoying doubles. :(

As for Uranus, I'm still not sure that I've found it and that's using the goto!

What's the old joke?...I couldn't find it with a torch and both hands. :D

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Well I split the pole star but the companion was very dim, Split y Aries 7.8" Gamma Andromeda 9.8" and Caster JUST at 2.2" using a 9mm lens with a barlow. I cannot split Rigel 9.5" Maybe too bright?

TAL - 1 110mm f7.

Hi Mark

Castor is about 4" apart. YOu should be able to see Rigel B but it very faint compared to the primary

In a reflector it will appear above the primary



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A real challenge in a 4inch class scope I find is Iota Casseopea. It's a triple star - a mag 4.5 star with a mag 8 star nearby and a mag 7 star very close by. With my 102mm refractor the closer star is right on the 1st diffraction ring of the brightest one so it's quite a challenge I find. You will need 100x or more to split this triple I think.


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