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Spotted 3 Messiers tonight

robbie c

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Just been out for an hour and I can now add M81 Bode's Galaxy M82 The cigar Galaxy and M51 The Whirlpool Galaxy to my list that's 6 down but many more to go lol. I'v just got the book Turn left at Orion and I've got to say its a great help now with that and Stellarium there's no stopping me, M81 looked great even though it was a small fuzzy as was M82 and it does look just like a cigar and M51 took me a little bit longer to find but I got there in the end can't wait for the next clear night but not looking good for the rest of the week so glad i got out tonight

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Sounds a great evening, Robbie and thanks for the write up. Take your time with the observations. It's a personal prejudice but sometimes it worries me when folk announce they were able to bag a load of DSOs in one session. I think we ought to aim at being space-visitors, not tourists. Anyway, what kit you using?

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Don't forget to go back to them and maybe spend more time on each one, I find myself sometimes just ticking off a list rather than just looking at one and properly observing it. Although the buzz of finding a new one is hard to beat.

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Sounds a great evening, Robbie and thanks for the write up. Take your time with the observations. It's a personal prejudice but sometimes it worries me when folk announce they were able to bag a load of DSOs in one session. I think we ought to aim at being space-visitors, not tourists. Anyway, what kit you using?

Thanks yeah I will do now I know where they are I've got a skywatcher 150pro mak on a eq5
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Sounds a great evening, Robbie and thanks for the write up. Take your time with the observations. It's a personal prejudice but sometimes it worries me when folk announce they were able to bag a load of DSOs in one session. I think we ought to aim at being space-visitors, not tourists. Anyway, what kit you using?

Thanks yeah I will do now I know where they are I've got a skywatcher 150pro mak on a eq5
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Don't forget to go back to them and maybe spend more time on each one, I find myself sometimes just ticking off a list rather than just looking at one and properly observing it. Although the buzz of finding a new one is hard to beat.

Thanks yeah your right the buzz of finding them is hard to beat but now I know where they are I will be spending more time on them
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