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Celestron NexStar 8SE, or 6SE or 5SE

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Usually the 6SE gets good reports, which makes me wonder what it is you are doing, are using or expecting.

Concerning "using" what eyepieces have you and which do you use.

One thing is that magnification is too easy to get with an SCT and that makes things dim, additionally the field of view that results is small and quite a lot of things just do not fit in. M31, Andromeda, being the prime example.

For a 1 degree view you need about 50x and that means a 30mm eyepiece, and Andromeda is 3 degrees. I wonder if it is a case of pick your targets carefully. M57 should be good and M57 Dumbbell Neb, M1 I suspect will be trouble - small and dim, but try.

Another question is what are you looking at, there is not a great deal around that sort of "stands out" at present.

Clusters would come out well but how many clusters do you want to see? I get to about 5 then give up.

Have you tried for M13 in Hercules.

An 8SE will more or less double the light grasp. Useful but if you cannot see anything at present they will not jump out in stunning magnificance with an 8SE. And again being longer the magnification is greater so the image is dimmer.

I have guess that it is a case of what equipment have you (eyepieces) and what they deliver and then are you looking at/for the appropriate things.

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Just had a peek at that C8 VX kit, to be honest I don't think the mount really looks like it would be any better than the 8SE one,

 This is not what all the reports and reviews are saying.  I would definitely go for the C8 VX kit.  Am currently about to upgrade from the 6SE to a 9.25 VX and will use the 6se for visual and portability.

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hi sorry for bringting up an old post, im about to upgrade the 6se to 8se, can you tell me if its worth me doing this?

the reason im doing it ( or hoping) i was disappopointed with the view 

i dont expect hubble pictures or views! no, but something to actually see other than faint stars. maybe the 8se are just as faint? advice appreciated xxxxxxxx of fuzzies in the 6se, infact very disheartened, and was hoping a 8se may be more of an improve

What is your light pollution like? have you tried a darker site? I have a 6inch Dob and can see a lot through that, I also have the 8SE and can see great with it, maybe before upgrading to anything its best as Ronin says to find out why your not able to see much through your 6SE, you have a very nice scope that delivers nice views, the only other thing I can think of is the vibration, my first night with the 8SE I was a bit disappointed, I had the legs fully extended and didn't wait for the vibration to stop, then after a bit of looking on here, for the second night, I only extended the legs half way and put it on a lovely big sound proofing mat and the vibration is gone, in fact its so good now I won't even bother thinking of changing to a different focuser, which was my first thought after the first viewing.

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hi thankyou for your input guys!

(the last couple of days iv been in hospital with my daughter, she since has given birth to my first little grandson,and am very tired!)

so not been able to get back to reply,

since being in hospital my husband bought me a 8SE, ( so now have 2 to dodge around)

by eck, its a lot bigger and heavier, where i leave my 6se set up on the mount , i dont think ill have te 8SE in the 'ready'  postition, just looks too heavy to have the pressure on the mount all the time?

looks like ill have to invest in a case to put the orange bit in, ( it was bought 2nd hand with receipt that was bought in april this year)

maybe the next available clear night i can compare both myself, before i sell the 6SE on,

someone mentioned vibrate, the 8SE came with a few extra bits including anti vibe pads? maybe that could help

thanks again, im just starting out and very confused and new to all of this, i wish i lived closer to a telescope club that could show me the ropes xx

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Firstly congratulations on your grandson and becoming a grandmother  :laugh: now the handwork begins  :tongue: no, only joking they are a pleasure  :laugh:

I mainly leave my 8SE in the 'ready' position' with this uk unpredictable cloudy skies, I feel the need to.

The vibration pads are a must have, after focusing, wait a second and the views should be lovely, I also do not extend the legs of the tripod, it helps a lot. I am sure you will love your new scope, I know, I do.

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