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M51 1st capture - Standard vs 2x Drizzle DSS stack comparision


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Hi Guys,

Here's my attempt at M51. Not amazing, but I am pleased considering how much there is to learn. I feel I am progressing.

200p/eq5 - SW CC/1100D - BYE/Mac


13x80s ISO 800

27 darks

21 flats

30 bias

Image 1: standard stack in DSS and basic level stretch in PS


Image 2: 2x Drizzle, kappa sigma dark, flat and bias stack in DSS and basic level stretch in PS


I think Drizzle has definitely improved the image, though it would not work without kappa sigma clipping on the darks flats and bias. I am at a loss as to why this is?? But I really dont know much about any of the software. As i mentioned, much to learn :). Are there any detailed books on the software side of things? or is a case of learning off the net, with these things?

Thanks for looking

Clear skies


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Thanks for looking and the comments everyone.

Yes agreed the 1st image is darker. In the 2nd image, the data seemed easier to stretch. IDK if I did exactly the same for each image, but I was more impressed with how drizzle handle the data, than using a standard stack.

Like I said, I am fairly new to all the software (and AP for that matter), so I am slowly feeling my way around.

As mentioned in my OP, if there are any software related books worth a read Id appreciate a heads up.

I am also interested in the technique of converting a DSLR image to a (false) LRGB image by using the grayscale option and combining with the RGB. I read about this on here somewhere, but I cant for the life of me find the post with how to go about doing it. :rolleyes: (can't afford a CCD atm so it would be nice to play with LRGB, even if not quite the same, until the pennies make the pounds :) ) (NEQ6 = same problem......come on pennies!!)


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