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imaging with just a canon350d

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Would anyone be able to give me some settings and tips for my 350d. Iam wanting to try take some images of shooting stars on the 22nd April. Iam aware this will be a very tricky task but any help would be appreciated

Cheers sam

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when shooting the lyrids i like to point at cygnus. beautiful area there. if i expose for to long (say longer than 20 seconds) the sky turns red and then pink the longer i expose.

so that in mind i have the iso set to 1600 and leave the camera on continous shooting for 10 second exposure. normally end up with a few hundred shots to look threw. lol

nice wide feel of view is always a plus.


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What lens are you using? If you have the stock 18-55mm, set it to around 18mm, Iso 800 or 1600 (whatever works best for you). You should get around 20 second exposures without star trailing. Like Dave said, point towards Cygnus. See what you get. looking forward to seeing your pictures. Good luck.

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Do you have any other astro kit? I've not taken shooting stars before, but I have a tracking mount. I have yet to give it a go but I'm going to try increasing shots from 30 secs to see how it goes. I guess the longer the better. I do have an Astronomik clip-in light pollution filiter though. Very useful!

Good luck.

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