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Laser pointer attachment.

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Hey SGL,

I would love to attach a laser pointer to my current ota but still want to keep my 9x50 finder. I have a Skywatcher 80 ED which only has one place for attachments, and that stop is being used by my 9x50. So is there a way to attach a Hotech Astro Aimer Gen II without drilling into my ota mounting tube rings? Could I use some sort of tap or even glue just to attach the mounting bracket.

Any help would be great!

Thank you


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would it actually be legal to point that at the sky? given there have been cases of idiots shining laser pointers at passing aircraft and there by blinding the pilots?

He's in America they are allowed to shoot things :grin: My quick finder is held on by those double sided cushions I don't know if they would work, but they might
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I don't know, haven't got one. I'd guess they're similar to the ones on a Telrad base. The laser in your link looks quite large compared to the pens they sell for this, so maybe contact them for more info.

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The law regarding laser pointers in the U.S. seems pretty straightforward compared with most countries - it's OK to sell and use a pointer up to 5mW output; anything more powerful requires a permit from the FAA to operate a laser light show. Shining a laser at any kind of aircraft - on purpose or accidentally - is a Federal offence.

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