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I think i'm going to move abroad


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It *is* funny. Or rather it was funny. But I have invested heavily in this house as my "retirement" home, built my (lifetime dream!) observatory etc., - Only to find a near neighbour has some sort of "mental health" issue - OCPD, I suspect? I once (reluctantly) accepted his help with building my observatory. He took this as an open invitation to wander onto my property ANY TIME and mess randomly with stuff. Clearly, He had to go! :p

I asked him cheerfully to "back off a bit" (mate)! But next day, I found him wandering about my back garden without even asking me. I invited him into my kitchen. I asked him (politely) to leave. He became physically intimidating. I said I would call the Police - He laughed in my face. Thankfully, he *did* leave eventually. I was just grateful, for that, and thought little more of it...

I did confide to a few [male] neighbours - They shared that they too had experienced "problems" re. the guy. No details (family forum etc.) but "spying" on wives / kids etc. Yet, to this day, they accept HELP from the guy. And in turn, give him access to the[ir] properties either side of me. Months later, there is no day, I don't now find HIM staring (glowering!) back at me. :(

The only thing (ON TOPIC!) I can suggest is to be *very* careful, before investing heavily in a "last" home! Maybe *live* there for a while - Learn MORE about neighbours? Not just the weirdos, but can you trust the others? Oddballs don't have to break laws to make others unhappy. I never imagined getting a "same sex" (fellow old git) stalker... Just my luck, darnit. :undecided:

P.S. Lets not DWELL overly on this! But if anyone has (non-violent) suggestions, PM me?

As a long-time flat-dweller, I have less-than-many experience with dealing with such stuff...

I feel for you mate. It only takes one 'bad apple' to upset a neighbourhood, school, workplace or whatever. Keep smilling!

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I think there is a lot to be said for renting somewhere in the area of where you want to end up, get a taste for the area before you spend a chunk of your cash :laugh:

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I am seriously thinking of moving away from the UK to follow my hobby.

Its all work and clouds here :grin: I can handle the work - but the clouds - crikey !!! lol

Africa or Austarlia, What are the other choices ?

I moved to Melbourne Australia 2 years ago, and the weather is better. Perth would be better still, but you have to be in the mining industry to earn enough there to live. The reality is, many people work longer hours and have much longer commutes through terrible traffic. If you're single and young, you may have enough energy left to get setup outside for some astronomy, but if you've got a family and kids, then you're a long way from any help and it's years before you get any sort of break when a family member might visit so you can have a night out! So you'll be so exhausted each evening, that collapsing on the sofa is all you can hope for!

You'll also get half the exchange rate you used to a few years ago, so when you start off spending your savings here, before you get an income, everything will seem like double the cost. Houses are mega expensive, $400,000 is typical, so unless you get a very good job, or are single, then you'll need a massive deposit from your worthless pounds. Astro gear is also double the cost of the UK, so bring your kit with you!

If you have a trade, don't expect your qualifications/experience to count, you often have to start again. Even many teaching qualifications don't count.

So if you're single, it would be ok, but for families coming over now, it's exhausting and financially crippling.......and that's if you get a visa, which is getting more difficult all the time.

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I feel for you mate. It only takes one 'bad apple' to upset a neighbourhood, school, workplace or whatever. Keep smilling!

(Genuine) Thanks Mate... Yeah, a lot more positive today. So a BIG: :D - To all.

M'laddo (wierdo) is onto his third neighbour's car / drive - Sweeping slush in the horizontal SLEET. I sense the "popularity battle" is already lost for today. But, what the heck... :p

My observatory is essentially finished. Too good to let go easily! I deliberately have a "low-maint" garden, so don't really need to interact with "old frat" (sorry mods?) neighbours. ;)

Determined to get out more. Be more active in local Astro-Soc? See more friends / reli's :)

Astronomy is a FINE thing, but I think (in the UK) so easily "stymied" by neighbours / location...

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I think there is a lot to be said for renting somewhere in the area of where you want to end up, get a taste for the area before you spend a chunk of your cash :laugh:

One of the more sensible things said so far, and always go through a local agency and not some English agent catering for expats because you will find the same property a whole lot cheaper through a local agent. You need the first 6-12 months renting to sound everything out, make sure you know what you are in for, the area and most importantly that you are getting a legal property and not being shafted and paying more because you are not a local and don't know any better.

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