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Registax 5 Problem

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Hello all, I just spent ages outside gettting freezing cold trying to get some videos of jupiter, managed to get a few, I dont think I;ll get anything out of them because I cant even see the bands in the videos, I tried just about every combination possible with sharpcap ....

When I try to open any of them in Registax 5, a message comes up saying; Failed to start AVI decompression, codec:MJPGvids.

Does anyone know how to sort this out ?


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Something like VirtualDub may well be able to change the codec to something that Registax will work with. Perhaps PIPP might do it, too. You really don't want to record in MJPG format though because it's compressed and lossy. Depending on which OS release you're using you should (I think) be offered I420 or YUY2. Use those if possible. I'm not even sure that Win7 offered me MJPG.


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I just put one of the files through PIPP and it now works in registax, thankyou!

Tonights been very depressing, I set up to record jupiter through a window ... stupid mistake, cant get any detail through a window ... Then i set up outside, forgot to take the dust cap off, noticed after about 20minutes ....

Then when i finally focused onto jupiter it was very small and whatever settings i put in i just couldn't get to see the bands ... any advice on what i could do to be able to see them ?

I'm guessing i need to be able to see the bands in the recording to have any chance of getting a good picture through registax ?

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Some nights it's just like that and you have to take what you can from it, even if it's learning that on some nights it's actually best to leave the camera indoors and just take a scope out to use visually :)

Jupiter is getting to be a tough target now. It's barely three quarters of the size it was at opposition last December. In fact if you include the rings, Saturn might well be larger than Jupiter is right now. Good images are going to be hard to get.


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Ah i guess so, all i got from tonight was slight back ache from trying to find jupiter for about 1hr 30minutes, most of the time I was trying with the 2x barlow, it just wasn't appearing on screen, it was really frustrating, the red dot was on jupiter, i could see jupiter through a loose 25mm eyepiece, but then put the webcam in and it just wasn't there!

I really hoped to get a good picture of jupiter, but ive probably left it a bit too late by the sounds of it.

Just to clear my mind 100%, i have to be able to see the bands of jupiter atleast on screen for registax to make the image good, is that correct ?

(sounds pretty stupid being as registax stacks images ... if the bands arent there and the image is just bright or dim how do i expect to see bands after registax is done with)

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Charlie I've been there! Just recently I tried imaging Saturn through a barlow with my webcam, I used a 6mm EP & Barlow got it into focus, let it stay there for a while to make sure it didn't drift off, and it didn't. Then when I insert the webcam... Pitch black PC screen! it's a problem of focus, I found out that the focuser needed to go in a bit after I inserted the webcam, and then the window of focus where the planet will appear on screen is really small, so it's easy to miss.. Very frustrating process which I spent hours on, once I got a glimpse of Saturn through 1 of my barlows, but then lost it again. Ultimately I did the imaging without a barlow, but I'm going to try again in another session.

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