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ORION Widefield image feedback please

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Hi Leveye,

Firstly...nice image! what set-up and subs did you use for this?

I am new to AP (few months) so I can't really offer advice, so take whatever I say with a 'pinch' :)

I am actually thinking about purchasing gradient xterminator myself. I think it has done a good job on the image, overall. It has enriched the star-field and improved the flame and horsehead. But I feel it has washed the colour out of orion/running man neb's, which is a real shame. Maybe merging the 2, using layer masks would be an option? IDK

This view is high on my to-do list whenever the weather decides to have break (maybe a slightly larger FOV). Seeing this has made me more eager. Good job!


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This is with an unmodded Canon 60D btw. Both edits besides the Gradient Xterminator Filter are the same i like how the nebulosity in ngc 2064 upper left is even coming out this was a single 2 minute exposure no darks or bias frames used at all. Layer masking the 2 together is one way. Agreed there is a lot going on out there i love that "C" curve in it wish i could get that!! Need a modded cam with an H-Alpha filter. just wanted others opinions on the redness say if i printed it. I like the way the Nebs stand out in the one on the right.

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Hi Leveye,

Firstly...nice image! what set-up and subs did you use for this?

I am new to AP (few months) so I can't really offer advice, so take whatever I say with a 'pinch' :)

I am actually thinking about purchasing gradient xterminator myself. I think it has done a good job on the image, overall. It has enriched the star-field and improved the flame and horsehead. But I feel it has washed the colour out of orion/running man neb's, which is a real shame. Maybe merging the 2, using layer masks would be an option? IDK

This view is high on my to-do list whenever the weather decides to have break (maybe a slightly larger FOV). Seeing this has made me more eager. Good job!


Canon 60D 85mm @ f1.4 iso 100 single unguided 2 minute exposure IOptron smart EQ pro mount PP in CS% and LR

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