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Astrophotography Masterclass - Kielder Observatory


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wont be making it due to work but let us no how you get on. be interested how good the skys are

Will endeavour to file a full report after the event.

Looks interesting. Who do you think the 2 astrophotographers will be?

Only time will tell - perhaps Olly will have been persuaded to venture to the frozen north? :smile:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Will endeavour to file a full report after the event.

Only time will tell - perhaps Olly will have been persuaded to venture to the frozen north? :smile:

Not me, I'm firmly embedded in the frozen south! A friend in the Outer Hebrides has just sent me a gloating message saying that they are enjoying perfect weather up there but south of them in Scotland proper it is snowing and evil. It's fairly sunny today here but it's amazingly chilly.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I couldn't be that lucky - we were clouded out on our evening at Kielder last night, though those on the preceding two nights had better luck with the seeing on Friday apparently being particularly good. Never mind it was still a good event to attend.

The majority of people there were photographers who want to expand their repertoire into the skies above rather than 'native' astronomers, so the focus was squarely upon using DSLRs to take wide field shots on a tripod. As I've done very little wide field stuff like that, I found the material covered useful and it has given me some food for thought - maybe I'll get a piggy back camera mount, pinch my wife's DSLR and plonk it on top of the scope.

So a worthwhile trip and a place to definitely re-visit in the future. Many thanks to Gary & co.

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