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USB hub, any recommendations?


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I'm been a little sly answering this as I'd like to know aswell :rolleyes: (puts the thread back at the top :grin: apologies if this is cheating). @ Imad, i'll be needing one as i'll need 2 for the 350D (one for the main USB & 1 for the serial release) then theres the webcam i'll be using as the guidecam & THEN the GPUSB, that makes 4 usb's & i've only got 3 ports :confused:


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Make sure you use a powered hub and don't scrimp on the USB leads/connectors - use gold plated every time, they aren't much more expensive. I use a 4-port powered hub I bought from Maplins for about £20, I use it with a 5m extension to the computer so the hub is outside and I had a lot of connection problems until I used gold plated USB leads :smiley:


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i use one of these http://www.expansys.com/d-link-dub-h7-usb-2-0-7-port-hub-110639/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=shopping&utm_campaign=base&ito=1701&mkwid=svHjLhmZB&kword=adwords_productfeed&gclid=CK7ntpyX47UCFcLHtAodMHIAyg a tad expensive but i picked mine up on the bay for £5 i had EQmod,DSLR,and the guide camera running through it whitout issues

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