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Can anyone suggest what's going on here please? taken with a Mono Atik460 with a Ha filter. 450s subs - weather not too good, and the obvious dust bunnies, but it looks like some sort of CCD problem :confused:


Any suggestions for putting it right??



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I've seen this problem pop up on DSLRs (just on bulletin boards like this, not my cameras) and so far I haven't seen a cure or reason proposed.

Basically it looks like a sort of inverse anti-blooming, I can only think the bright signal is somehow effecting the reference point for the follwing pixels within the same row.

Are the stars actually saturated in the image, or just bright?


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Hi Helen, this camera has a SONY ICX 694 sensor and does indeed have an anti-blooming gate so it is possible that it needs adjustment. This is not really an end user adjustment unless you get confirmation of the fault and the go-ahead to strip it down and adjust from ATIK/your supplier.

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