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First few nights observing

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Wife and I have mangaged to get out with our new 200p on a couple of nights now, the first one was last Friday when we hoped to see the asteroid passing by, but of course the cloud decided to build and we had to abandon that hope. However prior to the cloud, we did get some viewing of the Southern sky....with the Moon through a 25mm EP being really good, then tried the 10mm and was impressed with that too. But last night (Sunday) we found the light from the Moon made views of any stars a lot less clear. Jupiter was too close to the Moon I think for good viewing, and whilst ok, not as exciting as the first glimpse we had last Tuesday. Good thing though is that we have found 2 dark sites within 5 minutes of our house, so bodes well for those dark, clear nights.

It seems that we need to spend time observing, just getting used to the scope and evaluating EP's, whilst learning our way around the sky. "Turn left at Orion" just came today, so that will help, as will my Wife's ability to be much more methodical than me..(I jump in, she looks, plans and thinks)

Best part though was when two of our friends turned up last night as we had the scope by the house....the oohs and aaahs as they saw the Moon for the first time ever in a scope, sounded more like 'when Harry met Sally' in that famous restaurant scene! Other comments on its size and beauty only compounded things. The upshot though, is that the lady now wants to attend the next meeting of the local astronomy society, an open evening, to which members take their scopes along, we can share and learn even more. Plus a chance to look through the 16" in the observatory, and maybe try better EP's from others to see if an upgrade from my present 10 and 25mm is needed.

Really pleased with the 200P

So much to see......


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Hi Frank, what a great experience for both you and your wife, it's great when both partners participate, I am very lucky in that respect as well. The 200P is a brilliant scope and you will have many happy nights with it, never fails to amaze when looking at any part of the sky, as Alan says above, Saturn will blow your socks off. Happy hunting and clear skies!

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Strange thing is, for some reason I have not fathomed yet, Saturn is the one planet I really want to see. Maybe because as a kid all the comics (Eagle especially) always showed a planet with rings, and that was the iconic image I grew up with of planets.

Looking forward to viewing it immensley.....especially when my 6mm and 32 mm EP's arrive.

Decided against a Barlow for now, and gone with the EP's instead.

So A4 books at the ready, pencils poised and hoping for clear skies.

(Love having my wife doing this with me, like most things in life, sharing doubles the pleasure)


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I envy you. Its just fantastic the first time you find and then observe an object for the first time. I can still remember vividly the first time I observed Saturn ( I was 11 and observing the though a dodgy 6 inch Newton at the time) I laughed out loud, it was too good to be true.

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