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Combining images in Photoshop

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Hi guys. This weekend I will be processing two sets of exposures of different duration. That is 20x60secs and 20x10secs with darks to match.

I assume I process them separately in DSS and then can anybody tell me where I can find a guide to combine the two resultant images in PS?

Or that I'm planning this wrong and should do it another way!!

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Assuming they are of the same target, just put them all into DSS, but put each set into a different group (the tabs below the file lists) the first will be "main group" and then "group 1". Obviously this only works is your different exposure durations were not in an attempt to capture bright and faint detail to combine in the same image, for which you need the layers as above.

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I'd advise you not to take different sub lengths unless you know exactly why you're doing so. In five years of intensive imaging I've used multiple exposure times for high dynamic range precisely twice. For M42 I did 11 secs, 50 secs and 10 mins. And for the core of M31 I took some short subs in a larger telescope. In most cases the data you want can be found in the long exposures if you do an appropriately soft stretch. Then, for the HDR combining, I follow Lodigruss; http://www.astropix.com/HTML/J_DIGIT/LAYMASK.HTM


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Cheers Olly. Previously I had only done 30 second exposures if M42 so I wanted to experiment and now have some 60 second exposures and some 10 second ones. It's all experimental at the mo so was looking for a bit of steering in the right direction!

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