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Is there anything better in the night sky than...

KJ Dalley

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Sorry for the not very subtle hook but I was curious as to what others were considering their favourite night sky objects at the moment. It might serve some of the newcomers as an index of target objects to look for.

I know this probably depends on the type of scope(s) you view from and what you are interested in but for me it has to be M42, The Great Nebula in Orion. I remember the first time I saw this through an 8" reflector and was blown away. Its easy to locate and packs such a punch for "viewability" especially if you're lucky enough to get your scope on it at the moment. When I first started all I looked at for months was Jupiter and and M42, for hours and hours. It still takes my breath away. NGC869 is a close second but for simple down to earth (no pun intended), easy to find and beautiful object to look at I cannot think of anything better. I'm quite happy to be corrected by more experienced people than me so please feel free to add your thoughts.

Becoming quite OCD in my behaviour in the pursuit of clear skies.

To you all, still and clear nights.

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