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La Palma Astro holiday


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Looking at going away next Feb to La Palma :smiley:

Has anybody been there and what can i expect ie how good are the skies and how accessable are the Observatories ??

Also whats the resorts like for families

Well you have to ask dont you :evil:

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From the guys at the LJM Uni (The University has it's own scope there) It's not a resort island a such as it's primarily used for astronomical purposes..

There are a few hotels at the bottom of the island but apart from beaches not much for the kids to do..

But there again all they want is a pool, beach and pizza..Come to think of it ..that sums up my needs too.. :smiley:

I'm of to Portugal in a week or so and have some time booked here..I'll report back then..


I've not specifically booked a holiday there but I contacted them a few weeks ago and they are going to give me a tour and let me have some scope time, I mentioned the courses i'm doing and they were very helpful.

HTH Steve.. :evil:

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La Palma isn't a bad place for a holiday, but possibly not the best place for kids. Good for walking etc. As far as the observatory is concerned, have a look at http://www.ing.iac.es/PR/visits/ and the links therein. During the day only you can drive right up through the observatory grounds to the very top of the mountain and walk around - the view is spectacular. However, be aware that the weather at the top can be bad in winter (snow & ice) and the road up dangerous. Light pollution is controlled on La Palma, so you do get good dark skies away from Santa Cruz.

There are various observatories up Mt. Teide on Tenerife - I have no experience of these, or how badly they suffer from light pollution these days. It helps if there is a low layer of cloud below the mountain! I guess there is more for families to do on Tenerife though.


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