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OK, it has no doubt been asked in the past (and will be asked again in the future) but.............

what software do you guy's, Opps and gail's use to process your AVI's?

I have been looking at Registax but have read that you need to convert the AVI file to an older type AVI using another program, for Registax to read it?

I would like to make the process as 'easy' as possible, I find one program enough to start with!!

Still being a Newbie, I need pointing in the right direction from the great Masters out there!



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Hi Kev,

just realised that it was a thread on this forum called "What am I doing wrong with Registax" where it was suggested to put the AVI through a program called "Virtualdub". It seems that a few people had the same sort of problem, although I see an update has been bought out for Registax that may "stop this problem".

As you say I may not even have the problem! but it would still be nice to know if there's another program for me to compare with the well know Registax.

Thanks for your input.


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How much difference does using PIPP actually make?

If you have a beautifully steady image from a night of excellent seeing then probably very little. Registax 6 is quite fussy about video quality though, and isn't great at alignment if the image jumps around too much. PIPP can really help with that by discarding frames where it can't find a decent image and those that are too dim or low quality. AS!2 is better in that respect, but I reckon I still get better output if I discard the bad frames first.


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Thanks James but isn't that THREE programs?

1 program I can handle,

2 is the deep end and,

3 hello Davey Jones!!!

On a serious note is there not am easy break in program? I don't particuary want to even publish them here (at the mo) just produce an resonable image to convince the other half that Im down the garden and not the pub!


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Thanks James,

I have to say I hadn't heard of PIPP until you mentioned it, which is the good thing at this forum!

So I will take the plunge and give it a go!! PIPP and Registax

Don't go to far away......

Thanks to all


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Hi Kev,

just realised that it was a thread on this forum called "What am I doing wrong with Registax" where it was suggested to put the AVI through a program called "Virtualdub". It seems that a few people had the same sort of problem, although I see an update has been bought out for Registax that may "stop this problem".

As you say I may not even have the problem! but it would still be nice to know if there's another program for me to compare with the well know Registax.

Thanks for your input.


AutoStakkert!2 is an obvious alternative to Registax. VirtualDub is a very useful programme for a number of things, converting videos and creating timelapses just scratch the surface.
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If you are trying DSO the. Deep Sky Stacker is the way to go - there's aloe version which aligns and stacks on the fly as captures come in - use Sharpcap to capture every Nth frame depending upon the level of integration selected in the camera.



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