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2" EP & M45 in 200p f/5


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Having just bought a 200p/EQ5 i'm after a nice wide fov ep (around 30-32mm). Would I get all or most of M45 in one, I'm using M45 as an example as i'll then have a good idea of the actual view in general. Secondly, any recommendations below the £100 mark? My old scope was a 130mm at f/7 so most ep's I used were ok, but i've heard that with my new scope being f/5 i'm going to have to start been a little bit more picky.


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I think you need a 2 degree true field of view to fit M45 in so that would be a 32mm 70 degree eyepiece of which there are many choices. The Panaview 32mm would fit your budget. The edges of the field of view would show some distortion of stars but that's sort of inevitable for a sub-£100 wide field.

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I think you need a 2 degree true field of view to fit M45 in so that would be a 32mm 70 degree eyepiece of which there are many choices. The Panaview 32mm would fit your budget. The edges of the field of view would show some distortion of stars but that's sort of inevitable for a sub-£100 wide field.

Thanks John, I know I wont get an EP with perfect stars all the way across with my budget but I can live with that for a while, I just wanted to know round about the degree I'd be looking at to get M45 & you've answered my question there :grin:


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Hi Steve, I agree with John, the 32mm PanaView is agood one in the 200P, I use it all the time, a bit soft at the edges but that is something you have to live with, with an f/5 in my view, at £79 it's a craker.

Thanks Robin,

At £79 I'll be happy putting up with soft edges. Only got the scope on Friday (up from a 130m) so i'm sat waiting for these clouds to clear :mad: Its a bit of a beast compared to my old scope & I cant wait to get first light. :grin:


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Well done on the upgrade, it is a bit of a beast isn't it? I used to be able to break it down in 5 minutes, and put it back up in the same time, now a bit slower since I had a stroke a couple of years ago. Hope we get some clear skies soon!

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I am not going to disagree with John but you could most likely pick up a Meade 5000 34mm 68 Degree secondhand for that sort of money and that would perform a bit better at the edges.


If you are prepared to look at the used market the budget can get a better quality eyepiece :smiley:

I've seen the Aero ED's go for quite a bit less than £100 and they are better corrected than the Panaviews. Still not perfect though.

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I can just about fit all of M45 into the 26mm Panaview, the 32mm and 38mm will show it comfortably, although the 38mm is just under the minimum magnification limit for my scope (not that I really notice).

You can pick most Panaviews quite cheap on astro buy sell, I think I got my 38mm for £50, they do go like hotcakes though so you have to check a couple of times per day if you're specfically hunting (or put a 'wanted' advert up). I haven't tried the Aero's but they retail at a higher price and tend to get very good reviews on here (good review relative to the cost), if one came up I'd snap it up and sell on later if it wasn't what I wanted.

All the best

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