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Baader UHC-S with & without iso comparison

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Just posting this in case anyone is undecided about getting one of these or similar, 1st use was last night on Orion & i was astounded at how well it performed.

ISO 1600 x 30 seconds :-


ISO 3200 x 50 seconds :-


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Sorry :-( the reason i done it that way was with the filter anyway it was higher iso + longer exposure so in fairness it was in the favour of the NON filtered image but here you go both images @ ISO 1600 x 30 seconds.

Iso 1600 x 30 secs NO filter :-


Iso 1600 x 30 secs + Baader UHC-S / L filter :-


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Hi Agnes, it could be the size of the scope i guess ?, my image train was scope, 6/3 Focal Reducer, SCT Visual Back (1.25" holder that comes with my C8), T mount adapter then t-ring to Canon, i don't place the filter at the bottom of the T mount adapter i prefer to screw it into the top as it ends up nearer the cameras sensor so i thought should reduce vignetting a little, it's a bit fiddly screrwing it in there but does work.

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Ideally, but one of my lenses is the EF-S 55-250, and you can't mount a clip-in behind an EF-S lens.

I was going to try some shooting tonight, but the light pollution reflected back of the snow is appalling.

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I have the same lens as you Agnes & the same problem :-(, i will probably get one before summer just to shoot lensless i guess.

Luckily we have no snow here yet & don't want any to be honest, what's the temp where you are ? i think worst near me will be -4 degrees tonight.

Seeing is pretty poor tonight even with the clean air so i'm staying in to process some of what i shot last night instead.

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-10 last night in Amsterdam. Today's max was -3. It is the first totally clear night in ages (without even aircraft trails) but the sky is as bright as if it was overcast.

I did get out with my ST80 straight after work for a look at the moon - saw some wonderful detail despite the stopped down aperture of 50mm at 67x mag. For a lark I got out my SR4 EP (seriously) and had a look at Jupiter at 100x - despite the worst-case-scenario optics I picked out two cloud bands and a couple of moons.

I've used the 55-250 at 135mm to take an OK shot of Andromeda. I was hoping to use it tonight at 70mm/F4.0 on Orion's Belt and Sword.

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What are the chances eh ? lol i also have the SR4 & 20 that came with my first 114mm TASCO reflector, i don't know why but they are in my case with also my modern kit now, nostalgia i guess :-), what an eyepiece lol i might try it in my C8 at Jupiter.

I shot M31 as well but was @ 146mm f/5, got a sort of a shot but still processing it to be honest i should have gone for 200-250mm i think.

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I have used the SR4 in my Mak on Mars when it was around 7 arcseconds, giving 330x magnification. You could see from the way detail was smoothed that the magnification was technically empty, but in practice it made the little disc of Mars big enough to make out some details like a polar a cap and a blurry dark bit :-)

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