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Heads UP: Very Interesting new Skylight Refractor !


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The problem I have with these scopes is with all the fine metal work they can sometimes end up costing as much as a shorter APO, I guess the F 15 is to cut CA to a minimum, I have looked at a few cheaper APO's all of course from China. I think if it came to it I would go for the triplet every time as I like the wider fields and this is something that you will not do at F 15. I am sure it will be a fine scope though just not my cup of tea.


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That could be the prompt for a long debate Alan !

Now wheres that "eating popcorn while watching" icon that they use on Cloudnights ? :grin:

The Skylight scopes are very nicely put together - I tried one briefly at one of the SGL star parties. An F/15 4" does need a very stable mount though due to the tube length rather than it's weight.

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I met Richard Day of Skylight Refractors in the summer last year. He came along to a BSIA meeting as he was testing (and deservedly showing off) his latest new build. It was a custom job for a client who had obtained one of only 3 (so I am told) LOMO 4" triplet Apo lens cells. A wonderful marriage of the old style tube assemblies (though with a feathertouch focuser) , with the latest in modern optical designs. I believe is was F/7 or F/8. The star test was first rate.

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I have a 100mm f13 by Richard - fitted with a lovely carton lens. It is a wonderful telescope, with essentiallly negligible ca, and pin sharp stars over the whole field (something I don't get in my 80mm ED APO doublet, nor did I get in a 100mm ed doublet I owned last year). Clear, very sharp optics indeed. And in a beautifully baffled, and gorgeously put together tube, with an excellent Baader steeltrack focusser. I'd be very interested in this new project - I imagine the quality will be second to none and it will perform very well. I have only two concerns - I'd need to upgrade my mount (the f13 really pushes my eq5 with pillar extention arrangement), and I'd have to get approval from Mrs Marki (who will take some convincing that I really need another 4" scope - I have opened neogtiations with her though and am cautiously optimistic!). T0 some extent, I'm not sure this new f15 would give me a great deal of improvement in views over the f13 actually.

I get what Alan is saying (and I really appreciate that the f15 will be a little unweildy perhaps compared to a f7 apo, espeically for ap) but then I guess we're looking for different experiences. I'm not particularly interested in imaging myself, and would use my 80mm equinox for that and/or bins for widefield viewing (well, until I get some decent wider field eps). To be fair, I haven't looked through a really decent triplet yet, so I maybe ought to reserve judgement a bit.

I would see this telescope as potentially better for planetary and double-star observing, globulars that sort of thing. And I guess some people relish the whole deal with the classical achromat (I know I've fallen for them in a big way), and others will really love the craftsmanship and the satisfaction of a limited edition or almost bespoke scope, that is still supremely functional.

It is good to see some new UK based initiatives in telescope making though.

After you with the popcorn John ;).

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.......After you with the popcorn John ;).

Ok Mark :smiley:

I've very surprised you did not get sharp stars across the field with the ED80 and ED100's though. I've owned a few of those, including my current ED120 and they are superbly sharp, with the right eyepieces of course :smiley:

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