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Beautiful night out tonight (18/10)


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With Metcheck predicting a clear night but heavy fog for tonight I didn't hold out too much hope for a decent observing session, but boy, was I (and Metcheck) wrong!!!

There was a small amount of cloud but other than the skies were stunning. M110 and M33 were (just) visible in16x70 binos which is pretty good from my location and I actually got my first decent view of Mars so far this year. I decided to call it a day at 3am a very happy chap!! :D

Thats two clear nights on the run now and another 2 forcasted....about time!!!

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I've just got in - went out about 8 - what a night! Did absolutely tons of imaging and tons of observing too! Was awesome!

I'm now totally addicted to my zoom eyepiece! It gives awesome views through the ED80 and its really fun to be able to zoom in or out on a subject!

I was out late last night too!! Not sure if I can take two more nights in a row but I'm gonna try!!! :D

Glad its been a good night your neck of the country too Gaz, hopefully tomorrow we will be awash with reports from lots of other people who have had great nights too :lol:

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Thats good to hear Gaz. M31/M32/M33/M110 are a great sight at the moment. Surprised just how bright M33 has been, both in the scope and bins.

I went out again last night but only with the 15x70's. Like you i was expecting major amounts of fog but it never arrived. Got up again at 5.45am for a look at M42 etc with the bins. Awesome!

Tonight is supposed to be better but boy do i feel tired :? Gotta be done though. Good luck for tonight Gaz. And looking forward to those image Grant :D


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