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N.E.O. Hit or miss

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Just been looking at spaceweather.com and they have an NEO (2012 DA14) coming to 0.09 LD on the 15th FEB. Surely with a size of 56m as stated this will be quite a spectacular burn up as its trajectory (0.09 LM) is only 34km out (into the atmosphere), i think. Anyone any idea where will be the best place to see this and a predicted time?

In fact with this size and proximity it probably is within the realms of reality that some of it may actually come to earth, especially if the trajectory prediction is slightly off, albeit I am sure some-one has actully looked at this and is tracking it.

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Sorry to disappoint but 0.09 x lunar distance (384,000 km) = 34,560 km. That's too high for a light show unless it collides with a geostationary satellite, because that's about where they orbit.

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I believe the predicted magnitude is +7 but I'm not 100% sure on that. I also think it is going to be around the orbit of some satellites. I got that off the Internet so it may be speculation :) Looks like it could be good though in a telescope or some bins from a dark site

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Ok, distance agreed when i did the sum and got the same figure 34,000 km (roughly) but for some reason read it as 34 km in my head, thought it had been kept very quiet in the press if something was really coming that close. Could be some thing to observe though. Just getting into astronomy a bit more after a passing interest over years, living in NE Scotland so have little light pollution and quite clear skies, especially at this time of year. Northern lights reguarly visible from the kitchen window, and has made up my interest again and the fact I dont have to travel to far to carry out the activty. just using cheap binos at the moment 10-30 x 50 and they are doing me OK but hoping to get a cheap (entry £150/£200) scope in the near future (see what birthday brings). so will be asking for advice in the begginers forum soon!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, distance agreed when i did the sum and got the same figure 34,000 km (roughly) but for some reason read it as 34 km in my head,

If it were 34km then the press would be whipping things up to an absolute frenzy of terror by now. The Daily Excess would be claiming that meteors were responsible for Diana's death, and the Wail would be whining about the collapse in house prices if a large proportion of the population were wiped out by a meteor strike and demanding that the government keep this work-shy foreign sponger out of the country.


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