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Big scope setup


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Hopefully this is my final setup change for a while. Actually had this a couple of months now, getting on for a record. Although I did wobble last month and advertised the 12". But only because it seemed a waste under such awful skies. Then i viewed M31 through the beast from the backyard and my faith was restored. I think i'll add a Baader UHC-S to the kit bag to maximise my views of certain objects.

It's great to own an EQ6 again.....I kept the last one for 3 years and should never have sold it. This one is staying.

Have a couple of Pentax XL's which are simply superb and work very well in the 12", even at f4. Should work even better now i snagged myself a Baader MPCC to correct the coma.

Worth noting that mechanicals of the Orion scope are pretty dire. Already ripped of the focuser. Next to follow will be the spider and mirror cell. And if i can find any suitable replacements, the tube rings too.



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So basically what you're saying is: Buy British and work to the old British adage, 'mend and make do'. Nice!

Seriously though, I know optically they're the bees knees which is the most important part. Although it surprises me that it's a common complaint with Orion's gear, I would have thought they might have wanted to sort something out...


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:shock: Your scope has eaten one too many pies. Isn't it funny how these OTA's look so much more beafy once mounted (An f5 would look a monster). Nice to see an EQ6 would be more than capable of handling my 10" Skyliner OTA. :D


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So, the focuser's going, as is the 'spider' and the tube rings, so all that's left as Orion, will be the mirror and the tube. :shock:

Its going to be a real 'bitsa' by the time you've finished re-engineering it, but hey!, a custom built scope has got to good.

I'm sure that your efforts will be justly rewarded.


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I ripped the focuser off my orion optics tube and replaced it with a crayford, i also replaced the world war 2 spider vane with a classic thin 4 vane that i got from orion for 40 quid, can't say i've found too much wrong with the mirror cell though. It's all worthit in the end because they are the best optics i've used.

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Mine loses collimation so often, even during the course of an observinf session. Almost as if those butterfly nuts are unwinding themselves :? I've been told the replacement 9 point jobby is a vast improvement. And yes that 2 vane 'RSJ' spider needs taking out ASAP.

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I've been told the replacement 9 point jobby is a vast improvement.

My 14" f4.5 (ie fussy!!) came with a 9 point cell and the difference is like night and day, I'd def. recommend one. TBH I'd never even considered that as upgrade before but its been a real eye opener esp. with the heavier mirror.

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My 8" f/8 OO newt was the closest thing to an 8" APO i've ever seen

And why did you let it go, Gordon?

It was about 12 foot long!!! :D

Hehe, when you have a scope that has a 1600mm focal length, and it really IS 1600mm long and then a bit you tend to need a big mount. I'm not into big mounts. Nice views though

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My 8" f/8 OO newt was the closest thing to an 8" APO i've ever seen. Fantastic optics blue peter OTA though

Hey Gordon!

I have to jump to the defence of my old scope!

It may not be the best bit of engineering of all time, but the Crayford focuser was acceptably good and it held collimation really well. For the planets, I'm just waiting for the day when I can get a 12" f8 Newt. The scope could be made relatively cheaply, but then you'd need to find the money for the mount (I don't think the EQ6 could hack it!). Seriously, I think this would be the ultimate planetary scope under UK conditions.

Best regards


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Hehe, it was a fine scope Nick, i'm not knocking it. Just saying that it's a little unbalanced having fantastic optics in a very average OTA. But that being said, I would much rather have my cash going into the optics than anywhere else!

A 12" f/8 would be a monster! 2.4 meter focal length? Wouldn't a C14 be more up your street?

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Although not a planet killer, it's about the same as Celestron C8-N. So not too bad. No problem seeing the pole and markings on Mars the other night.

My main problem is my skies.....they are truly awful. I was wondering whether something GOTO and easy to setup would be a better bet. Something like a Celestron CPC800. But on reflection it would be a waste.

So the basis of my setup, in fact my entire setup will consist of circa 1975 Celestron C5 (just bought on Ebay for £51) and an EQ2 (Lidl's special). Total investment £51.

btw i have a couple of Pentax XL's going too.


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The CPC800 seems a nice setup, but the mechanics seem over priced to me. I looked at those when I brought the SE and couldn't justify the cost. A C8 on a HEQ5 with an ED80 is what i'm aiming for I think, but the 6SE is far too much fun at the moment! Takes 30 seconds to get out and 30 second to put away. i love it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just to close off this thread. I've sold everything in those photos. Final piece to go was the EQ6 today to another forum member.

Am i sad? Yes and No. The mirrors in the 12" were excellent. Looked at M13 and M31 tonight with the 8" and realised just how good the 12" was.

But i still say the mechanicals were awful. But the scope has gone to someone who will utilise it to the full. It now resides on a Losmandy G11 and will form the basis of an imaging rig. Should be awesome.

Sad to see the EQ6 go but factors outside of Astronomy (as usual) mean the astro kit has to take a hit again.

I don't think i'll bother with an Orion Optics again though. I'm sorry to say but i think they have been left behind by the Chinese and their optics don't really offer that much more over a Skywatcher.


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