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27mm Panoptic or 26 mm Nagler


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That is always on the cards. I am sure I will end up with wall to wall Televue. I think I would only get 4 more, 3.5mm Delos, 5mm Nagler, 21mm Ethos and of course the 31mm Nagler. I did try to buy one from a site member but he ended up selling it to a club member, which I can understand.

I am waiting for you to sell me the 21mm as I am sure you will get the bug to want to go back to where you are now. :smiley:

Have you had the scope out yet?


I am seriously thinking about selling the 31mm Nagler and purchasing a pair of bigger binoculars. I bought my first half decent pair recently and have found I really love the widefield 3d views and instant grab & go observing. As nice as the 31 Nagler is, it really doesn't see that much use, and the funds tied up in it could be put into something that would see a lot more use. Having the 21mm Ethos of course makes the decision somewhat easier!

I managed to get the scope out once over Christmas in less than ideal conditions. The weather here is just abysmal, wind & rain with only brief breaks in the cloud. Ah well, maybe 2013 will bring some better conditions :rolleyes:

PS. Its nice to put a face to the name :wink:

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That is really good value John, I paid more for my Meade UWA 30mm. Was it some time back you got this before various price increases?


It was a couple of years back Alan. Tele Vue have only had one price rise in the last few years as far as I recall and prior to that there were a few months when they had a 20% off sale - lots of folks topped up their TV sets then !

My N31 was a chance sale on a rather obscure used equipment section of a dealer website - so I pounced !

I've actually manage to get all my eyepieces for low prices by buying used and moving quickly :smiley:

Having totted the replacement costs up for insurance purposes recently I know I could never have justified the new costs :shocked:

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I found out how to put a picture on the site, it took me 5 goes due to file size. This is me and my son who tells people I am going to move Venus into the night sky soon, we were down at the Black sea.

Now I know why you were hinting at the 31mm. If you are talking Binos. I just got a pair, recommendation from Michael the Moderator from Holland, they are the TS 10.5 X 70, they are really good, he has the X 15 but I wanted that super wide FOV. They tick the right boxes for me and I am hard to please.

John ,

I think I may be getting a 31mm sooner than I thought, I will be able to do a Meade 30mm v Nagler 31mm for the site. I think I would re-think my choice of targets which if I am being honest I was not that happy with for the Delos 6mm V Meade 5.5mm showdown, but they were different.


I have the 17mm Ethos already, if I bought the Nagler as well, now that would qualify me as a nutter. I have to say it is one eyepiece that I have never seen S/H.

BTW, being somewhat metally unbalanced, I have got mixed up, I was thinking Damo was away on holiday off the coast of Africa, sorry Dunk and Damo, got completely mixed up there.


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I'm sure I only paid about that for my E17 new earlier this year, but it's far too many receipts under the bridge and I don't have my email archive with me... (or maybe I just convinced myself that's all I paid :D )

@Alan - I know you have a nice collection of scopes, but where's the use in the E21 if you already have the 17 and are gunning for the 31T5? The 31T5/UWA is always going to show you more sky.

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I have the 17mm Ethos already, if I bought the Nagler as well, now that would qualify me as a nutter. I have to say it is one eyepiece that I have never seen S/H.

BTW, being somewhat metally unbalanced, I have got mixed up, I was thinking Damo was away on holiday off the coast of Africa, sorry Dunk and Damo, got completely mixed up there.


Yeah the Internet isn't too bad down here, only the screen is a little hard to read on the beach :eek:

E17 and 31T5 are made to be together :Dhttp://www.televue.com/engine/TV3b_page.asp?id=20&Tab=EP_ETH-17.0

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I like collecting nice things, with my eyepieces you could say that about many of them, I just like big eyepieces. If I had one I would maybe get rid of the 20mm Nagler, just maybe. It's clesr but it is already minus 8 and it is not even very dark yet.

I will give it a hour.


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It is a very good point you make about what some of our eyepiece collections are worth, any two are a thousand, your 13mm Ethos and what we are just talking about. I would think your set top 3000. If you remember we were talking about a 152mm APO suddenly 5000 Euro don't seem a bad price.

The way I look at it is we have them now, all we need is a bit of weather where they can be used.

I am tring to brave it but it is bitter to-night, minus 9 now and going lower. I know it is no good for eyes but 20-25 mins then a warm is about it at the moment..

Back to the out door freezer.


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....The way I look at it is we have them now, all we need is a bit of weather where they can be used.....

Very true Alan - they are pointless lumps of metal and glass without a regular supply of photons passing through them :smiley:

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A bit of high cloud here for much of the day, the forecast doesn't predict it clearing :(:eek: but there are big blue patches of sky about, oh and 26C (did I mention that before? :D )

20T5 is a keeper IMO ;)

That weather sounds awful :p

The 20mm T5 is pretty nice. Compact for a 2" ultra-wide as well. Amazing when you think how large the original T2 20mm Nagler was.

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I don't think you are making many friends at the moment, " oh and it is 26C " did I mention it before, No!

I have just changed all my eyepieces over as they have dewed up, now minus 9.3 C. It feels like a cold English night, I think the humidity must be high. Last year it was minus 26 C and I didn't think it was too cold.

I hope members in England get some clear weather soon. I watch Man Utd last night and their pitch looked like a bog on the North Yorkshire Moor, and it was still raining. I know Manchester has plenty of rain but it is getting a bit beyond.

I think I may keep the 20mm Nagler it's my favourite eyepiece, I have just been trying to get some notes together on the 4.5mm Delos, its looking the same as the 6mm but with more magnification and as the 10mm with even more, talk about consistant. I really like someone who knows what they are doing to go through the range. The biggest problem for me now is cooling the scope, from indoor at 22-24 C to out you need at least 2 hours on glass front scopes.


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Now I know why you were hinting at the 31mm. If you are talking Binos. I just got a pair, recommendation from Michael the Moderator from Holland, they are the TS 10.5 X 70, they are really good, he has the X 15 but I wanted that super wide FOV. They tick the right boxes for me and I am hard to please.

BTW, being somewhat metally unbalanced, I have got mixed up, I was thinking Damo was away on holiday off the coast of Africa, sorry Dunk and Damo, got completely mixed up there.



Those are the bins I intend to go for. They are Helios Apollo branded over here and they do get some great reviews.

No worries getting me mixed up with Dunk, I wish I could trade places with him for real :-)

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All joking aside it got so cold last night I put the scope to bed after about 90mins. Then I kept going out for 5mins with the Bino's, they are better than the money suggests in my books. If I am honest they are not razor sharp at the very edges but you have to pay arms and legs for that type of performance. The other that is very good but very large on exit pupil is the 11X80 Opticrons, not a great deal in the price.

Trading places with Dunk, I don't think he has had the scope out much but that may not have been the main reason for going, did he tell you it was 26 C BTW . I can't drink at the moment so I am an unpaid Taxi to-night, I will have to practice my unhappy look.

All the best and have a beer for me.


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Those are the bins I intend to go for. They are Helios Apollo branded over here and they do get some great reviews.

No worries getting me mixed up with Dunk, I wish I could trade places with him for real :-)

I've tried a few pairs of big bins over the years - the TS 25x100's were the largest. I've come to the conclusion now that I need to go for ones with the 45 or 90 degree angled eyepieces as I just could not get comfortable with the straight through variety, no matter how tall and sturdy the tripod. I don't know if the Helios Apollo have that feature ?

Off topic though so sorry about that :embarrassed:

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The angled eyepieces would be nice John but unfortunately models that have them cost an arm and a leg!

This thread has indeed gone badly off topic & I'm as big a culprit as any, so I apologise about that and not another word about binoculars :lipsrsealed:

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Awwww Damo, you just want me for my latitude :D:eek::D

Alan's right though, only 1 night 'proper' out with the scope, not the greatest but by the sounds of it better than I would have got at home :eek:http://stargazerslou...ittle-latitude/ despite the random patches of high cloud we've been suffering, I've been doing a lot of eyeballing from the poolside bar... Orion is almost overhead before I've had too much local grog :eek:

Back on topic, I'd be curious to try the 26T5 in my scopes, looks like the weight is more in line with a couple of my other EPs, and if it's anything like the 20T5 it'd be a winner :cool: Not sure I'd dare try my ES 30 (or the 31T5 if i had one) in the 'frac without a more sturdy mount.

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TS do a pair with 88mm semi APO objectives ( quite what semi APO means I don't know ). They come with 2 sets of eyepieces and they are very good indeed, my mate has a pair and I have used them a few times. I would have got a pair nut I wanted a handheld set.

Consider these they will not disappiont but they are not cheap either around 420 quid I guess. They are on the middle page of TS Binos in the 60mm mm -90mm, they need a tripod though or connection to a mount.


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Sorry i am off topic and have been for about 15 posts, I think I will get back on topic and still tell him to buy the 26mm Nagler though I know he went for a 30 UWA ExSc, which lets face it is not a bad second. I think we all all recommended this as well.

I guess the correct way to wind each other up is by the PM system, Us more active members should try to set an example. Sorry all.


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