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Io Transit 9/12


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Hi all, thanks to reading a couple of threads here, I decided to try and watch the Io transit last night. To be honest I wasn't that hopeful, the wind was quite gusty and every now and then some high clouds would drift through. I was set up by 11.15 and just started watching to get my eyes trained to seeing the detail, it is surprising how bright Jupiter is, but the views were pretty good and saw the banding clearly. Io slowly crossed the limb , and when it did I could clearly see it against the darker banding of the planet, shining bright, wow! As it slowly moved across I eventually lost it in the glare of the planet, but then the shadow appeared, another wow! The black dot was fairly easy to watch due to the contrast with the brightness of the surface, but it is an amazing sight to see live. I will definitely be watching more, next time maybe using a filter to cut the glare. Anybody who hasn't tried to view this yet, do it, it is a fantastic sight to see.

Clear skies.

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I was watching it last night with my 80mm refractor although the cold did get the better of me by 1:00am, it was the first time I've watched one through a scope & I hope I will be able to image it another time.

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