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Eyepiece Dilemma


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I while back I posted a topic regarding eyepieces and had settled on the 5mm X-Cel LX for the odd night that high magnification could be used. Now that I've been out a lot more, I've been thinking about the other focal lengths in the range. Here are the reason for each one that I might possibly purchase.

12mm - I can get really good views with a 25mm and a 2x barlow, so this would be to improve the views even more. Of course if the improvement is less than noticeable, I won't bother.

7mm - Would be used to get the highest useable magnification, to squeeze every bit of detail out of those planets. But it might be too close a gap between it and the 9mm.

5mm - As stated above, for those rare nights that high magnification could be used.

I was thinking of the 18mm for DSOs, but when out on Friday night, I realised that I would be better spending my money on a longer focal length in the future. Any comments on the selection above and which one I should go for would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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If I was sticking with the X-cel's I'd get the 7mm & 5mm and the 12mm for later as you probably wouldn't notice much difference between that and the 25mm plus barlow. However if I had your scope I'd look for a 6mm (200x) for general planetary viewing and a 4mm (300X) for times of steady atmosphere and because I like looking for very close double stars. Oh and I'd probably get a 12mm(100x) for most of my general viewing of clusters & galaxies. My preference for slightly higher magnifications for planets & other small objects might be due to my middle-aged eyes which tend to have less acuity than younger people's.

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with the barlow, as long as you like using it, youve got 25 / 12.5mm , and 9/4.5mm. so the 12 mm and 5mm might be abit wasted unless your moving away from the barlow.

so that leaves the 18mm or 7mm. from those its a case of decideding what you'll use more or want to keep it for. general viewing of galaxies,o/c,and globs ect then id say 18mm (my favourite x-cel by the way) or the 7mm if its lunar/planets and doubles.

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So thats the 12mm and the 5mm out of the equation. I find the barlow really comfortable to use, so they would wasted. I think I will go for the 7mm now and maybe the 18mm in the future, hopefully in time for the spring galaxies. Thanks guys :)

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