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My new telescope


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Hi all, i've just bought my first telescope to compliment the 15 x 70 revelation binos i already have. Its the skywatcher 8'' dob. I bought it 2nd hand off gumtree for a good price and i'm more than happy. It came with a 6mm, 10mm and 25mm eye piece but my question is what else would you recommend i get? i've just ordered a laser collimator as i was told the scope had never been collimated. cheers for your advice people.

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Well done bennylee, sounds like you got yourself a bit of a bargain. Personally, at the moment I would just concentrate on the EP's that you have, it is only by using them and seeing their failings (if any), that you begin to know what you need. However a x2 Barlow might be a good idea, but be prepared to spend the money and get a good one. There are plenty of other posts on SGL to give you ideas as to what are good ones and what should be avoided. Good luck. :smiley:

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Hi Bennylee, I think you have most bases covered with the supplied ep's. You may wish to upgrade your finder one day if it is the straight through version to a Rigel Quikfinder, Telrad or R.A.C.I finder. These make life a little easier but are not essential by any means.

A decent comfortable observing seat.

Download Stellarium, if you haven't already.

Maybe a few books such as Turn Left at Orion, Backyard Astronomer or similar, maybe a star map book such as Sky & Telescopes star atlas.

I would not consider anything above essential but they just make observing a lot easier.

Maybe a decent Barlow lens (probably wont need with your current ep's).

I would not be in a hurry to rush out and spend lots of dollar, because if you are like me you may end up with items you dont use or need. Clear skies and hope you enjoy your new scope.


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A decent comfortable observing seat.

I know i said in your other thread to just use what you have for now, but a seat is a definite plus. I know it seems like something that would only affect comfort, but it really affects how much you see too. Being able to sit perfectly still without an aching back or the slightest of wobbles means great views and long times at the eyepiece.

Drumming stools are a pretty cheap and effective way to get an adjustable seat with a little footprint.

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