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Orion 80 ED

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Have a look at the following review links and the detailed review attachment:-



I paid about £200 (pre owned) for mine so I would have thought £210 would not be out of the way.

I have found the scope very good for wide field work and mainly use it on a Skywatcher AZ GOTO to get the most from my relatively light polluted skies.

I am sure further comments will be forthcoming!

Hope this helps.

ED80 Review Detailed.pdf

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I've owned 3 of the ED80's, 2 of the Skywatcher variety and 1 Orion (USA). All were the same scope in different colour schemes.

£200-ish is a decent price for one, assuming it's in good nick.

They are very well corrected for false colour - almost none that I could see, visually.

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