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Creating an animation

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You can throw the individual images (BMP or TIFF) at PIPP, it can then recentre the planet in each frame, equalise the frames' histograms and write them out to an AVI file. There are also output options for repeating the playback and pausing before repeating the playback by repeating the last frame. All this repeating does not have a big impact on the frame size as it is done with index entries rather than rewriting the frame data.

Edit - You can also set the frames per second.

The downside of using PIPP for this is the output format is not a compressed format (yet!), so the file sizes are not as small as they could be, but small enough for uploading to YouTube. The upside is it only takes a few seconds to do.



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Hot of the press, here is my example of using PIPP to generate a planetary animation video:


I have hardly even read it back so it is bound to be full of typos!

There is a new version of PIPP (v2.1.9) that goes with this example which has a couple of new features for just this purpose.



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