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Imaging webcams


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Hi all, I've had a huge break from imaging and was just wondering what the best imaging webcams are at the moment? Preferably low cost but interested to hear about any, (specifically webcams as opposed to specialist cameras).



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Hi Matt,

I have the Philips SPC880 flashed to 900 specs. I love it. Although their popularity has hiked up the price over the last 18 months, they're still worth every penny IMO. Once flashed colour is improved, and 8X digital zoom becomes available. Also, frames rates from 5-60fps at 640x480 and up to 90fps at 320x240. There are plenty of examples of what it can do in just a 130mm Newtonian/ 70mm refractor in my photobucket album at:- http://s1226.photobucket.com/albums/ee414/BazPearce/

Microsoft HD lifecams are pretty good too, they are cheaper, but they don't have nearly as many options as the Philips.


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I have yet to see a Lifecam image that comes close to what's possible with the SPC900. In the event that we get a run of decent weather I shall try out both the SPC900 and Lifecam Cinema on Jupiter to see if the brighter target makes a difference over my previous results. Certainly on Saturn I couldn't get anything really worthwhile out of the Lifecam, but it wasn't a good target by the time I was trying.

Right now, for the money they go for second hand (around £50 at the moment it seems), I still of the opinion that the SPC900 is better than anything else available.


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