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Sun in white light 10th November midday


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Beauty there Richard . . . :laugh:

A full frame or stitched ?

I might have to "borrow" that one for November's animation . . . :p . . . looking unlikely to clear here in time for a shot but still hoping for a chance if I venture out to the edge of the fen for a quick pre-sunset session. . .

Cancel the above , sat24 and the general forecast shows the rain continuing til about 8pm but then clear til midday , that'll be the night on the Horsehead then . . .


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Thanks James ,

I'll no doubt have to take you up on the offer . . . :p

It would be a nice " little " project for all us whitelight bods to see if we could get a 365 days of 2013 animation together . . . as we're fairly well spread there should be a decent chance I'd have thought ?


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Thamks guys.

James - no stitching, haven't had any luck with that, so am using the Baader zoom for full image.

Steve - if it is of any use to you then please help yourself.

Bit of a game today, as we have gone from small areas of bright blue sky to heavy rain, but had a spell of blue that lasted for half and hour so have taken some white light and also some Ha's which I have still to play with.

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Thanks James ,

I'll no doubt have to take you up on the offer . . . :p

It would be a nice " little " project for all us whitelight bods to see if we could get a 365 days of 2013 animation together . . . as we're fairly well spread there should be a decent chance I'd have thought ?


Count me in on that one Steve. I will post all the days thatb I manage to get and you can help yourself to the image if it is good enough.

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Nice one Richard ,

I'll start playing with it soon ,

If we can't get a daily shot between us all I can always fill the gaps with SDO Intensitygram shots , I'm pretty sure they're OK with reproduction ( I will scoot over there now and check)


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Nice shot Richard, lots of nice detail on the new sun spot group. It has been mostly sunny all day here and I had about an hour at 12:00 to get some nice shots in Ha, still processing the results, but new posting coming along.

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It would be a nice " little " project for all us whitelight bods to see if we could get a 365 days of 2013 animation together . . . as we're fairly well spread there should be a decent chance I'd have thought ?

Looks like you have there what is commonly known as "a plan" :)

Let's see what we can do. If we need some disk space for dumping images I'm sure I can find some on one of my servers somewhere...


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Nice shot Richard, lots of nice detail on the new sun spot group. It has been mostly sunny all day here and I had about an hour at 12:00 to get some nice shots in Ha, still processing the results, but new posting coming along.

Thanks Robin looks like another interesting group coming around at the 7 o'clock area. I took some Ha as well but quite disappointing really, no matter what the exposure I couldn't seem to get much in the way of proms. Look forward to seeing what you managed to get today.

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The proms weren't very bright today, had to really push the exposure to get any. But the surface detail was great.

I am out shopping with the misses at the mo and then dinner when I should be at home posting today's results and having another go at M31.

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