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I give up. (registax problems)

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I've tried and tried now to get a good, sharp image out of the other end of both Registax V5 and V6. I got nothing, even after countless hours. I've tried using both still frames and video but neither look any where near decent.

I've followed the steps of tutorials on YouTube and other websites many times now but still, nothing. These are images and videos of the Moon however, not planets.

Can anyone help me out?

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Agreed, if you can post a before and after shot, or a sample of your video then someone much better at Registax than I can probably give you some good advice. It may be that the original photos/video just hasn't got the information required to make a good stack. If the information isn't in the original Registax cannot 'magic' it up.

You can see my attempts here. They are far from perfect and I almost didn't post them because I don't think they are good enough myself, but I thought I may get some constructive criticism that would help me to improve.

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks everyone for trying to help, silly me forgetting to check the replies. I have progressed quite a bit since I made this post and I've been getting some good images, I just needed to play around with the settings a bit.

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