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Altair Astro 10 x 60 finder. Where to get one?

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No one has had any in stock for about two months - since the S@N article by Steve !!! :(

Really need a good RACI finder - the one with the CPC and with the ED80's are not good.

Also interested in this for guiding as Steve discussed in the said article.

Thanks, Steve

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Cheers Andy.

It was this one though.......


... that I was particularly interested in getting. I am not sure if they are one and the same as the ones you referenced....?

I like the idea of the auto-guiding add on focuser for this finder. This works very well apparently.


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They look very similar, don't they. Different illum eyepiece's are available from the above links. The Altair Astro illuminator is similar to the one that is offered on the Robtics site. It's tapering shape caught my eye.

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I've got the AA 10x60 mini guider on back order with Ian King. I gave up looking for one in stock and just accepted the wait. Bern at modern astro provided the QHY5 to put in the back of it after persuading me I didn't need a lodestar

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk. Blame Apple for the typos and me for the content

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I have the Altair one and looking at the one on the TS site, apart from the colour I really do think they are one of the same even down to the illuminated EP, Mount arrangement (as shown in first TS picture)


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just been out and had a look at the mount for the altair, the first picture on the TS site does not show the "shoe"attached but they are identical right down to the little dovetail under the rings.

The second TS picture ... just not the same mount.

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The Robtics and TS linked finders seem to use the United-Optics brackets, whilst on the APM link they use another bracket and shoe for the 50 & 60mm. Again, they use the U-O bracket for the 80mm.

Unless the chinese manufacturers are stealing designs from each other( :grin: ), I'd lay good odds all these finders come from the same source. Obviously different finishes can be ordered, but can different lenses? Only a side by side test could determine that, I guess.

StellarVue in the States were the first, I think, to offer this design, some years back. They still do.


ps: Here's another european seller.......... http://shop.tecnosky.it/Articolo.asp?SessionID=CCC9688F-1DF2-4411-A95F-00941970141E&GetInfo=TK960a&AddScore=TK960a&Score=1

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Thanks all for your thoughts. What worries me about those links you provided Andy is that nowhere does it mention that the guider camera extension accessory will fit those scopes whereas in the case of the Altair Astro one on my link such an adapter is available.

I may just wait for the AA to become available as you have done Kev. I can then order the whole shebang together, finder, guider attachment and QHY5.


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