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Decent LP filter?


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Good evening everyone! Another none eventful night regarding observing! Hah getting a bit of a habit this.

Just a quick one really to ask of anyone knows a decent LP filter for a 200p, please?

Been looking at a few on FLO but I'm not really sure which one would be better than others.

Also would you recommend any particular ones for viewing planets?

Thank you for your help.


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It might sound like a daft answer but it all depends on your light pollution! If you have those yellow sodium streetlights then the Skywatcher LP filter does the job - but you may have different streetlights or a combination of types of light. If you can you may need to try one out - you may find a supplier who would let you do this.

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As said it all depends upon the kind of light pollution you are contending with. I own the Baader Neodymium filter and it is a corker. It works well on light pollution, moon and certain planets, mainly Jupiter and Mars. I also own a 2 inch skyglow filter and to tell the truth it hardly gets used at all as the difference it makes to me is minimal.

I have heard good things about the Sky Watcher light pollution filter Skywatcher Light Pollution Filter

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Thank you all for your help!

I do live in an area with the orange/yellow lights. Also though, this is were it may get a bit difficult to filter. Our next door neighbour (9 times out of 10) leaves his kitchen light on which shines right over our back wall! I may just put a little something up to block it to be honest. Other than that it is just the usual sodium orange/yellow lights to put up with.

Read a few reviews on FLO and the SW LP filter seems to be fine.

Again, thank you for all your help.


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I have a LP filter (I can't remember the brand) that does almost nothing so don't buy a cheap one (which is what I did). I have got myself a Baader UHC-S which is fab at bringing out the faint nebulae. I do live under a fairly orange sky but I tend to find that the planets are more than bright enough to not require a filter. I would have thought that any of the quality named brand filters would do a good job for you though

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