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Skywatcher Panorama EP's worth the extra coin?

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I thought I had decided on a couple of X-Cel LX EP's but someone threw an wide field Skywatcher Panorama 15mm as a mid-power suggestion. I had been thinking of an LX18mm for DSO's and the 7mm for planetary but the more I look at Panaorama and it's history, the more attractive it looks. Just worried that it'll maybe 'queer the pitch' for me with regard to EP's with a narrower FOV.

I'll be using them in a 8" Dob and I also have a TAL x2 Barlow which may or may not be useful.

I want to get something thats going to give me a better view of Jupiter as it gets higher in the sky towards the end of month so time is a factor. I was thinking that the Panorama 15mm might barlow down to 7.5mm well, which would give me the view i'm after. I could then also use it un-barlowed for dso's. Or I could just buy two LX's for the price of one Panorama. Geez, decisions decisions, my head is melting, lol!

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To be honest, if you are talking about Jupiter, I do not think the SW Sky Panorama will meet that particular need, even when barlowed, barlowing such a widefield eyepiece would be difficult in itself, and then you have to consider the weight, it's fat and ugly at 410g, my view is that you would be better off with a Vixen NLV Plossl for a clearer sharper view, say a 9mm or a 6mm. Also remember that planets like Jupiter will always look like small dots through an eyepiece, the best you can do is make it a small 'sharp' dot. Widefield ep's are for panning starfields at the end of the day, not for detail. Of course, if you can afford it Pentax XW would be better or the 8.5mm XF would be my budget choice. I have the William Optics 6mm SPL which is for me a very personal choice, and very good on planets.

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The Skywatcher Panorama's are very new on the market so there might not be many owners around yet.

Ultra-wide eyepieces are nice with a dob as they make tracking at high pwer that little bit easier but the eyepiece itself won't show any more detail than a Celestron X-Cel LX. The wider field is the principle benefit so the question is whether that is worth the extra cost to you. The X-Cel LX is not exactly a narrow field eyepiece with a 60 degree field of view and optically very good.

Better views of Jupiter will depend much more on the observing conditions, scope cooling and collimation and observer experience than the slight differences betwee these two eyepieces I'd suggest. The same would largely apply if you were considering a premium eyepiece such as a Pentax XW or a Tele Vue Delos / Ethos although eyepieces in that class deliver superb sharpness, contrast and light scatter control - so they should for their cost of course !

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Thanks fellas, your advice makes sense to me. To be fair, the Panorama 15mm was suggested to me as a good choice for DSO's, planetary wasn't mentioned at all; I was just chancing my arm there as to whether or not it could be barlowed for planetary. Question answered then:) I'll have a gander at the Vixens and Williams now to see what gives. Thanks again!

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For planetary you do not need the large FOV, and you need shorter focal lengths in your scope (which is an F/6). A planetary 6mm EP (such as the TMBs and clones) would be just the ticket (200x is nice on Jupiter). If you want a tad less magnification, consider the Pentax XF8.5mm, very good value for money in my books. NLVs are also very nice on planets (not Plossls at all) but have a rather restricted FOV (45-50deg). The LVWs are better n that respect (but also more expensive). The Panorama 15 would still be useful, and fulfil much the same role as all-round fuzzy hunting EP as my 22T4 Nagler has in my F/10 SCT.

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Probably going against some of what was said here, but I use my 14mm ES 82* for x130 for DSOs, and have barlowed it recently to get Jupiter GRS at x260 pretty clearly. Admittedly, x260 is pushing it a bit. But I would use x200-230 on Jupiter reasonably regularly. The Panaview would be dandy for your DSOs anyway.

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Just found Williams Optics 6 and 12.5mm EP's in a sale at 55 sheets. Really holding myself back here..... I can feel the lust building up!!!!!! That 6mm might be the job as a planetary EP. Robin above rates it and it would give me x200.

Good eyepieces for that money. Interesting review of them here:


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