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First clear night for ages and hopeless 13/14 Oct 2012

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Things were looking really promising at about 8pm with lots of stars visible and the sky looking quite dark.

I went out at midnight and noticed that, while there were still no clouds about, things didn't seem as clear as they were earlier in the evening.

Well, everything I put down quickly got covered in copious amounts of dew- I've never known so much! Eyepieces, mirrors, binoculars and even my glasses were fogging up left right and centre. Packed up at 12:50.

I had a nice little look at Jupiter but my only new conquest was Kemble's cascade but I couldn't make out differences in colours of the various stars, although I did see the star cluster at the base of it. Not bad to get that cluster through bins I suppose.

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Never even heard of Kemble's cascade so thanks for that. It's in my Astronomy book by Ian Ridpath, (currently on the bargain shelf at the Works) so next time it's clear I'll have a look for it as I think my chances of seeing the nebulas in Sagittarius have disappeared over the horizon for a while.

Yes Jupiter is magnificent target at the minute - even I can find it easily! Also managed to spot Ganymede, Io & Callisto - Europa was behind the planet.

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