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Vulpecula and company.


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Last night was crystal and dark up to midnight, decided to try and stay in one area of the sky. A couple of good clusters NGC6940 and the quality NGC6885.I found NGC6823 with it's nebulous surrounds (6820). Then M27 and a check on it's smaller edition M76.

Then over to Delphinus NGC7006, quite indistinct in the 102.Had a bit of a wander then, M11 still above the horizon and a good view of the tiny, but shaped Saturn nebula.Up to Pegasus and a few galaxies C43(NGC7814) ,C44(NGC7479) and the bright C30 (NGC7331) . Then M71 and the bright M2.

There were quite a few long and strong shooters from the north area of the sky.

The Milky Way was running right through Cassiopeia , Perseus and onto the rising Auriga.

Had a look at NGC281, quite a lot of nebulosity around the cluster.Then a view of Bode's and a clean split of the double double (Epsilon Lyrae 1 and 2) at x200. These doubles are 150AU apart, damned fine scope!

Will be at PSP if anyone wants a galloping tour of the night sky!!


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