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Sorry looking Tal 1M from back in the day

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I've recently bought a Tal 1M off the bay (Item number 110962424362) and it's in a right sorry state. I've bought it with the intention of turning it into a working centre piece in my conservatory, chrome legs and a nice powder coated metallic otr with chrome rings. It will be a lengthy project as work commitments are manic at the moment but my question is as it takes sub standard/Not 1.25 inch EP's will a crayford focuser retro fit, also is there anything I need to replace in the motor before I bench test it. The last thing I want to do is do permanent damage for the sake of a cog that was a common knowledge part that should have been changed on receipt of it.

As always, thanks in advance. Paul


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Not sure about the motor faults to look out for but they still are available from the factory, I saw a link on here a while ago with contact details.

Looks like you may need a threded counterweight as well.

If there is no power supply you will need a 12v AC one (see Maplins)

I think 1.25" ep should work ok in this, I had a TAL1 with a helical focuser which worked well.

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Hey, congrats! Nice to hear the other side of things for once - I was bidding on that too (your last bid minus 1 pound). I was wondering if it would turn up here, though to be honest I was getting a bit worried what the wife would say if I won. Sounds like you'll make a better job of restoring it than I would. Have you seen astrobaby's guide to restoring TAL-1s? - doesn't cover the motor though.

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That's interesting, I think a new motor and PS from the factory will do it no harm, should be able to source the weight from them too. Thank you.

I've not seen the guide but by tomorrow morning it will be printed out on my bench. Thanks

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Tricky to fit a replacement focuser to it.....most 2" focusers, and almost all crayfords are, wont dit the scope as the focuser base will be over the screw fittings for the secondaries spider vanes.

If you get over that problem you will have a lack of in focus because the TAL 1 older model a) used odd eyepieces with their field lens almost at the end of their barrels, modern eyepieces dont and B) the TAL focuser can run in much closer than most off the shelf 1.25" replacements.

This can be overcome by moving the primary up the tube BUT I have yet to come up with a truly satisfactory method of doing just that on mine without coughing up to have the tube machined down a bit OR spending on a xustom primaty holder.

I have one just like yours but in battleship greay, its been stripped and the mirrors cleaned but is never gone any further....mine is being reworked, if I EVER find time into a steampunk/retro version.

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Astro baby, your guide on how to restore these scopes is invaluable, thanks for sharing that. Heathenwoods, I can see that staying solid for years to come (Love the engineered bits and bobs you can buy off ebay). As soon as I get the scope, I'll post some more detailed pictures. The powder coating and chroming is the easy bit, I just strip it down and send the bits off and they come back nice and new. The hard bit will be deciding weather or not to change the focuser and move the primary or keep it as original with the EP's that came with it.

If you were buying one for a project what would you do? (Open question to everyone) I'm leaning toward keeping it original but making it look vintage, with a metallic deep red and chrome look.

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Hi Paul.

Whoever the previous owner was, they should be ashamed to have let the old girl fall into such a state :(

I'll have a hunt about and post up as many links pertaining to this scope n mount as poss.

A dealer in Oz stocks the 1.25" Tal focusers, last I read. Think they're ~£28 + del. I'd have a go at a complete strip down and rebuild of your focuser first. It may be okay?

Had a look at the various pics on the ebay listing. Looks like the only original accessory, is the 15mm kellner eyepiece(32mm o/d). Other bits aren't Tal stuff.

Great shame there's no power transformer. That 'might' be tough to source, even from Novosibirsk. Since the DC stepper mounts came into being, about 10 years ago, the old AC driven mounts have been slowly discontinued.

The threaded counterweights/shaft were changed to a smooth style around the turn of the century, so it's highly doubtful, Tal will have any of them around now. I'll get some sizes off of my old Tal 1, which has the same dec arm as the 1M. Should be pretty easy to get some made up out of round bar.

Going by the condition of the scope, a complete overhaul of the drive components, replacement bearings springs etc, will more than likely be a must. I believe it's similar to the big beast 2M mount.


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Here's a couple to start off......

I have a print out of a strip down procedure for the MT-1C(that's the official name of yours) somewhere. I also might have it as a file somewhere on my old pc. Shall have a hunt for it.


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Andy, thank you. Loads of great links in that lot and a few contacts too. I managed to pick it up from Preston over the weekend but as work is manic at the moment that all I have done. I had a quick look around it and yes your right, she has been neglected but nothing that can't be put right. The 25 mm lens has some liquid splitting (or water damage) but tube, stand and primary all look good. My only concern is changing the focuser for a 1 1/4 inch one. If I have to move the primary to change it, I'll need to get my Mathematical brain into gear (I've not worked anything out, other than my change for over 20 years) although sourcing a power lead might be tough, I'm thinking another new buy (Or make) is on the cards. Not had chance to look at the secondary yet but something is wrong as no view can be achieved with any EP. You can see the difference of blue and green (Tested during the day) so can't be anything too big of a job. All in all it's one of those right in the middle, save it or use it for spares. I'll know more once I strip it down. Thanks again Everyone for you help.

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Well some degree of success today, the 3 x barlow was rusted into the focuser. It's been soaking all night and I managed to knock it out although I do believe it's the barlows last outing. Now it focuses on some trees with the 15 in with a clear view. I'll collomate it later and give it a test run (Weather permitting). I did pop a 1.25 25mm in and it did achieve some focus on a close by tree but the far one was slightly out. I still think I'll struggle to obtain the DC power supply but the weights can be made. It will be a good starter scope for someone if I decide to let it go, but I'm in the way of thinkng of a slow do-a-upper. As for them being well made, I think you could run over this with a tank and it would still be standing.

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