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first clear night, what shall i look for?

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ok my 1st clear night here in wales and im off out back for my first real nights viewing. So what shall i look for?

my set up is pretty poor at the moment with a skymax 127 and only a 25mm eyepiece i dont have a great view of the horizon because of a great big hill. so im looking up at about a 30 degree index to the south

got a very low level of light as i live in a small town. and the wife has her soaps to watch

so off i go in 15 minutes

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Andromeda galaxy might be worth a look :) Pretty high over head later. One of the things I always look for when I go out. Jupiter might be high enough to see to the east a bit later too (maybe neaerer midnight). Good luck and have fun!

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HI Daniel, if you haven't already done so, why not download a free price of planetarium software called "Stellarium" which you can read more about here. It has many interesting features of which one of them would suit you current viewing predicament, namely that this system can be configured from your precise viewing location thereby providing you with a real time simulation of the night sky as seen from your garden. As your celestial view is limited by your surroundings, this software will certainly help you choose targets and workout when they are likely to come into view. There are various menu choices that can help you configure what information appears on your planetarium chart - including galaxies like Andromeda! It's free, it's easy to use and is very popular amongst many observers here so why not give it a go. :smiley:

Clear skies


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