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White light Sun, 6th October


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Good seeing and pleasant weather for a change today, but I really struggled with stacking this one. Ended up with 48 frames stacked of 120 in Registax v6, 1/1000th @ ISO100. 450D and 127 Mak. Very odd looking sunspot that's just come around the limb.



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The large-ish one that's come around the limb over the last two or three days, at half six or so in my image. It actually looks like four or five different dark areas at least one of which is a twisted trailing line, and there are a few very small dark areas to the lower left of it as well.

And I've just noticed a small stacking artefact that I missed first time around :(


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The Mak has been on the mount all day, for a lunar image this morning and then a solar one at lunchtime when the cloud started to lighten up a bit (it's been pretty good for most of the day, but there was quite a bit of high hazy cloud by the time the sun was high enough for imaging). Had to wait until this evening for processing though as I've been working my way through the woodpile sawing logs for this winter :)


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Learning the old truth about getting warm many times over from one tree . . .

1st time when you fell it . . .

2nd time when you buck it . . .

3rd time when you clear up all the scrubby bits . . .

4th time when you carry it home . . .

5th time when you split it . . .

and 6th time when you actually get to burn it . . . :p


Been felling trees and working in the timber trade for 40+ years on and off , and my father for 40+ years before me . . . :rolleyes:

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